Playwright Testing

Learn how to write Playwright tests that integrate with Plate.

Playwright enables end-to-end testing in headless browsers. This guide covers integrating Playwright with Plate using @udecode/plate-playwright.


Install Dependencies

Follow Playwright's guide to install Playwright in your app and ensure that you can write basic end-to-end tests.

pnpm add @udecode/plate-playwright playwright

Add PlaywrightPlugin

In order for your Playwright tests to access and interact with the editor, you'll need to add PlaywrightPlugin to your editor:

const editor = createPlateEditor({
  plugins: [
    // other plugins...
    PlaywrightPlugin.configure({ enabled: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' }),

This exposes various utilities on window.platePlaywrightAdapter.

Get Editor Handle

In your Playwright test, get the editor handle before interacting with Plate:

const editorHandle = await getEditorHandle(page);

For multiple editors, specify the editable element:

const editable = getEditable(page.getByTestId('my-editor-container'));
const editorHandle = await getEditorHandle(page, editable);

The locator must match exactly one [data-slate-editor] element.

Start Writing Tests

With the editorHandle, you can now write Playwright tests for your editor.


Get a node handle by its path

Use getNodeByPath to get a handle referencing the node at a specific path. To make assertions about the value of the node, convert it to JSON using .jsonValue().

const nodeHandle = await getNodeByPath(page, editorHandle, [0]);
expect(await nodeHandle.jsonValue()).toBe({
  type: 'p',
  children: [{ text: 'My paragraph' }],

Get the type of a node

const firstNodeType = await getTypeAtPath(page, editorHandle, [0]);

Get the DOM node for a node

Often in Playwright, you'll want to reference a specific DOM element in order to make assertions about its state or perform operations involving it.

getDOMNodeByPath returns an ElementHandle for the DOM node corresponding to the Slate node at a given path.

const firstNodeEl = await getDOMNodeByPath(page, elementHandle, [0]);
await firstNodeEl.hover();

Click a node

await clickAtPath(page, elementHandle, [0]);

Get the selection

const selection = await getSelection(page, editorHandle);
  anchor: { path: [0, 0], offset: 0 },
  focus: { path: [0, 0], offset: 7 },

Select a point or range

In order to type at a specific point in the editor, you'll need to select that point using setSelection.

If you select a single point (consisting of a path and an offset), the cursor will be placed at that point. If you select a range (consisting of an anchor and a focus), that range will be selected. If you select a path, the entire node at that path will be selected.

Make sure you focus the editor before setting the selection. Focusing the editor using editable.focus() may not work correctly in WebKit, so the best way of doing this is with clickAtPath.

// Click the first paragraph to focus the editor 
await clickAtPath(page, editorHandle, [0]);
await setSelection(page, editorHandle, {
  path: [0, 0],
  offset: 2,
await page.keyboard.type('Hello world!');

Imported queries and transforms

You may want to import a query or a transform such as getBlockAbove or insertNodes into your Playwright test and use it.

Unfortunately, this is not possible. You can only interact directly with the editor instance inside the browser context (using evaluate or evaluateHandle), and it isn't possible to pass imported functions from Playwright's scope into the browser. This is because neither the editor object nor JavaScript functions can be adequately serialized.

The best workaround is to interact with the editor in the same way that a user would, without using any imported queries or transforms. This will make your Playwright tests more likely to catch bugs in your application.

If this isn't practical, you can instead call a method on the editor object inside an evaluate or evaluateHandle. (Use evaluateHandle if you need to return a reference to a DOM node or a JavaScript object from the browser. Use evaluate if you need to return a serialized copy of a JavaScript object, or if you don't need to return any value.)

Note that while these queries and transforms can't be directly used in Playwright tests, they are available when working with the editor instance in your application code. For more information on how to use these methods in your application, refer to the Editor Methods documentation.

See Playwright's docs for more information about evaluate and evaluateHandle.

await editorHandle.evaluate((editor) => {* ... */);

See Playwright's docs for more about evaluate and evaluateHandle.



Gets a handle to the Plate editor instance.


Collapse all

    Playwright page object.

    Locator for editable element. Defaults to first [data-slate-editor].


    Handle to Plate editor instance.


Retrieves a node at the specified path.


Collapse all

    Playwright page object.

    Handle to editor instance.

    Path to node.


    Handle to node at path.


Gets the DOM node for a Slate node at the given path.


Collapse all

    Playwright page object.

    Handle to editor instance.

    Path to node.


    ElementHandle for corresponding DOM node.


Simulates a click on the node at the specified path.


Collapse all

    Playwright page object.

    Handle to editor instance.

    Path to node to click.


Retrieves the current editor selection.


Collapse all

    Playwright page object.

    Handle to editor instance.


    Current editor selection.


Sets the editor selection to the specified range.


Collapse all

    Playwright page object.

    Handle to editor instance.

    Location to set selection.


Gets the type of the node at the specified path.


Collapse all

    Playwright page object.

    Handle to editor instance.

    Path to node.


    Type of node at path.